Waking up in fear knowing that today is my first ever rugby 7’s tournament which was hilarious because I really didn’t know how to play. Running to my teammates asking them who is nervous for this big day, they all seemed chilled because they knew how to play.
Once we left the school grounds all the girls were talking how excited they were to play. I felt left out because I was the only one who really didn’t know how to play and what am I going to do out on the field. Sitting on the chair, all I was feeling was butterflies and fear all around me.
As soon as we got to the field there were already teams warming up because the first game was kicking off at 9:30. Seeing all the teams warming up made me even more terrified that I wanted the game over and done with. While we were putting our bags away Miss Va'a Fusanga gathered us girls in a circle to tell who's the starting 7 and our game plan for the day.
Starting our first game against Viscount was a big match that we wanted to win so we put all our energy into this game. Getting ready for Viscount to kick the ball I was standing in a good position ready to catch the ball. Catching the ball and running towards the player slowly made my butterflies fly away. Losing the first game wasn’t the result we wanted but at least we went out there and tried our very best.
Overall I felt very happy that I tried my best because that was my first time playing rugby 7’s and I was proud of myself because I done a great job, even though we didn’t want the results we wanted but at least we all tried our best.